Severe Weather & High Wind Action Plan

Revised: 12.1.2020



The _________________________________________________________  [event] will be held on _____________

[date] at____________________________________ [venue] ____________________________________ [address]. 



  1. This Severe Weather and High Wind Action Plan (collectively SSI’s “Event Emergency Action Plan – EAP”) predetermines actions to take before and during the ______________________________(hereinafter referred to as the event) in response to an emergency or otherwise hazardous condition. These actions will be taken by all SSI Management, Personnel and SSI hired Contractors. These actions represent those required prior to the event in preparation for and those required during an emergency. 
  2. Flexibility must be exercised when implementing this plan because of the wide variety of potential hazards that exist for the event. These hazards include, but are not limited to: Fire, Medical Emergencies, Severe Weather, or situations where Law Enforcement and/or Security Services are required. 



The possibility of an occurrence of an emergency is present at the event. The types of emergencies possible are various and could require the response of Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, and Law Enforcement/Security Services.  



A. EAP Event Representative

The SSI EAP event representative will be identified as the point of contact for all communications regarding the event. This person is identified as the SSI Sales Producer or Technical Director for the event.  


B. Emergency Notification 


In the event of an emergency, notification of the emergency will be through the use of 911. The personnel should have the following information available to the 911 operators: nature of emergency, location, and contact person with callback number. Following that notification, the lead venue contact should be made aware of the emergency.  


C. Severe Weather

  1. Weather forecasts and current conditions will be monitored throughout the event by the SSI EAP event representative, who will work in communicative collaboration with event producer and facility management
  2. Before the event – If severe weather is predicted prior to the commencement of work efforts, the EAP event representative will evaluate the conditions and present any concerns to the event producer and facility manager. The EAP event representative or his/her designee will be identified as such and will be responsible to monitor the weather conditions before and during the event.  
  3. During the event – If severe weather occurs during the event, the EAP event representative will work with event authorities to notify the SSI personnel and to initiate safety steps as necessary. 
  4. SSI will provide and post at all Front of House, Onstage Monitor Mix and Backstage Lighting Equipment locations the Severe Weather Action Plan chart for quick personnel reference (as attached). 


D. Fire 

Should an incident occur that requires the Fire Department, 911 will be utilized to request this resource. The caller should have the following information available to the 911 operators: nature of emergency, location, and contact person with callback number. 


E. Medical Emergencies 

  1. As with any event, there is potential for injury to the participants. The types of injuries are various and include those that are heat and cold related as well as traumatic injuries. 
  2. Provisions for on-site emergency medical services at this event will be identified and communicated to all SSI and SSI hired contractors at event once they are known from the event producer. 
  3. Should an incident occur that requires emergency medical services, the on-site EMS officer will be contacted to request this resource. The caller will have the following information available to the on-site EMS officer: nature of emergency, precise location, and contact person with callback number.


F. Law Enforcement and/or Security Services 

  1. The need for a security presence at the event will be identified by event producer and contracted as necessary. 
  2. Should an incident occur that requires Law Enforcement or Security Services, on-site security will be contacted to request this resource. The caller will have the following information available to the on-site security officer: nature of emergency, precise location, and contact person with callback number.


G. Emergency Vehicle Access 

  1. Access for emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times. 
  2. Fire lanes and fire hydrants will not be obstructed. 
  3. SSI personnel and SSI hired contractors will be directed to park in approved 

areas and not to obstruct protective features, sidewalks or public throughways.  

  1. Crowd control will be managed by Event Producer. 
  2. Parking locations for vendor and staff vehicles will be provided by the Event producer. 
  3. Parking locations for attendee vehicles will be provided by Event Producer.